Monday, January 14, 2013

Never Ending Faith

It seems as though all around me there are failed relationships. It's sad that statements such as "oh, he cheated?" has become normal in our time. Everything that you could imagine has happened to myself or those close to me. After all of these things happening in all of my years, you would think that I have lost faith. Well I haven't. I have continued to pray for a man who will be the spiritual leader in our marriage, love me unconditionally, and eventually be an amazing father to my children. As silly as it may sound, if I could be compared to anyone in the world it would definitely be Charlotte from Sex and the City. Even after all of her disappointments and heartbreaks, she continued to believe in love. She never gave up hope that there was a soul mate for every single person on the planet and that everyone deserved love. 

Now don't get me wrong, there were times where I was a skeptic of the whole love thing. There were days where I felt so deserving of love but just wasn't on the receiving end of it. There were even days where I would be so angry at God when I would see my friends in relationships and thought that it was just so unfair that I was alone but ultimately I would somehow be reminded that good things come to those who wait. Yes, being alone is hard. Yes, sometimes you see girls in relationships and wonder "why her? why not me?" but ultimately that's just an extremely harmful mindset to stay in. Everything you go through, you go through for a reason. I could go through lists and lists of bible verses and quotes (mostly found on Pinterest... Yes, guilty. Judge me!) but the one that always sticks with me is Jeremiah 29:11:

"For those I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord," plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." 

God knows what He's doing. He does. I promise. Maybe your prince hasn't come yet, but he will.

Maybe you've recently had your heartbroken. Well I've been there, done that, gotten the t-shirt, and ran the gift shop. Letting go of a guy that you genuinely loved is extremely hard. You'll probably cry, yell, scream, etc. but eventually it will get easier and easier to deal with. Just remember that each heart break is putting you one step closer to the man that God has waiting for you. Eventually, you'll have to let him go so that you can accept the love of the man that God will send someone to mend your broken heart. 

Notice I said let go and not get over. You never truly get over anyone that you've honestly loved and that's perfectly okay. You're going to have many loves in your life, but you're eventually going to find someone that you jut can't live without because you just love and adore him so much. One day God will send someone your way and you'll finally understand exactly why it didn't work out with all of those other guys.

At the end of the day, I believe in love because I believe in God. The bible itself states that God is love (1 John 4:8). I trust that He had a greater man for me. I trust that he would eventually send someone to join me on my path to His Kingdom. I may not always understand it, but I know that His results will always be better than any result to any plan that I could possibly come up with. And from first hand experience, it's worth the wait.

Love, M. 

Now, I'm not trying to step on anyone's toes and tell them how to run their lives or anything of that nature. I'm talking about MY personal views, so if you have anything nasty to say... Please just save it. We can agree to disagree, and I will respect your opinion and views. 


  1. That was so nice to read. Love is out there, and will always be out there. Some just find it sooner then others. God has a wonderful path for all of us :) just have faith in him. Thanks so much for posting this !

  2. Ohh!! this is perfect!!!! And fantastic timing haha rather odd that I came across it today :) thanks God, always got something up His sleeve for us!
